22 Locust St., Waterloo, NY 13165, US

(315) 568-2433

Open first and third Saturdays 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Bowl Away Hunger

Bowl Away Hunger

15 15 people viewed this event.

What: Fundraiser to support Seneca County House of Concern
Where: Sunset Bowling Alley, 341 Border City­ Bd., Waterloo NY
When: Sat., February 8th, 11am
Tickets: $25ea., includes 2 games, shoes rental, pizza and soda.
Available at: Seneca County House of Concern 22 Locust at waterloo NY 12165

To register for this event <strong>email your details to</strong> <a class="event_registration_email" href="mailto:andre@communityproud.com?subject=Registration%20via%20%22Bowl%20Away%20Hunger%22%20listing%20on%20https%3A%2F%2Fhouseofconcern.org">andre@communityproud.com</a>

Register using webmail: Gmail / AOL / Yahoo / Outlook


Date And Time

2025-02-08 @ 11:00 AM

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